Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back to Relative Normal

November 29, 2008 -- Nicole's Food Log

Now there are those (meanspirited Thanksgiving haters) who say you should watch what you eat on a holiday. To that I say ''Why?''

The reality of Thanksgiving is that it's one day and it won't kill you. Now if you have two weekfs of turkey and fixings in your fridge, well, that just might. But the day itself? No.

That said, the weight rebounded a bit today... something i likely undid with my trip to the movie theater, but oh well.

(Oh... and back to my point about Thanksgiving... this is also only valid if you don't have a pumpkin pie in your fridge... sadly I do. And at this point I'm considering eating the rest of it in one fell swoop just to top spreading out the misery, but I digress... on to the log...)

Bagel and a half (315)
Margarine (120)
Cream cheese (30)
2 eggs (140)

1 1/2 pieces pumpkin pie (750)

43 minutes on stationary bike (220 calories burned)

Snack (estimated)
Soft pretzel (370)
Cheese (150)

WW Ziti (280)
Two crescent rolls (300)
Margarine (30)

Total calories: 2395

Weight: 70.3kg

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