Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The "good" news is that my trial is over, yay! And while I'm pleased, it's a bit bittersweet. However, it buys me time, and that's a good thing while I'm in this home stretch to lose the last 20 lbs or so.

And while we're on the topic, let's talk about that. The accepted weight range by the doctors is 104 lbs-134 lbs for my height, 5'2". People are telling me that's too low, etc., but I think that's just because they've never seen me at that weight. Fair enough, I'VE never seen me at that weight! But when you look at a weight chart compiled by one who studies the health of indigenous peoples, the TOP end of the weight for my height is 99 lbs. I'd like to say that I think I could get there and be healthy and fit, but I'm not sure that's a possibility. What I really want to do is drop 20 lbs, reassess, and see if I need to lose a few or gain a few or stay where I am. Of course, this is all provided that I don't discover that I'm pregnant before I get there!

rice cake (50)
green smoothie (200)

hershey kisses (60)
chili (200)
fruit leather (70)

Afternoon snack:
green smoothie (100)
rice cakes (100)
orange (50)
fruit leather (70)

chili (200)
pretzels (50)
cookies (360)

Evening snack:
banana (90)
cereal and milk (150)


Fruits and veg:

mat and funk (450)

Total calories:



Brenna Kate Simonds, Living Unveiled said...

I think it's about how you look and feel. I'm thin at 140, wearing a size 6, but I'm 5'6". I'm not at 150 and would like to drop a few :) But I think you look great!

Nicole said...

I'm going to agree, but in the opposite direction. (Cause leave it to me to be different).

When you're tall those charts skew in the opposite direction.

At 5'10 or 5'11, 150something is supposed to be perfectly healthy. And yet, in my world that's pretty heavy. The bottom end of acceptable is probably high 130s or low 140s.

Yeah, been at 139 (a lonnnnnnggg... time ago) and I wasn't thin then either.

When you say you want to be around 130-135 at my height people look at you like you've lost your damn mind.

Like "Off to the looney bin for you," but just like some people have more muscle and can push the top range of their height (rowers come to mind... 'cause I wouldn't mind being 170 in the least if I looked like those girls!), others of us don't put any muscle weight on and when everything you've got is, well, the opposite of muscle, then your acceptable weight range goes down significantly.

Ok, this is the longest comment ever, but in the end I agree with Brenna... screw the scale and go with whatever makes you happy in a pair of jeans.