Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another Day of Being Sick

January 8, 2009 – Nicole’s Food Log

I’m officially sick. And hating it.

I woke up this morning, drug myself to the bathroom and discovered I was running a fever.

You know what the only thing better than bringing out a thermometer for the first time in years is?

The fact that your mother isn’t there to say you don’t have to go to school. I tried, though. I called our office manager to ask if she knew what was on the agenda for the staff meeting … our first in months as the boss never ever does group meetings.

The thought was if I mentioned how bad I felt and the fever and whatever I could come up with that she’d encourage me to stay home.

Right. Mon has the same cold and her attitude (as expected) was pretty much “I could give a shit.”

Now, I’m a big girl and can handle calling in sick without having my hand held.

That said, I’m also smart enough that I’d be in for a day of trash talking behind my back because if other people can get off their death bed to make it to the meeting, why can’t I?


On to the food…

Egg (70)

Thin Minty thing (100)

Hot Pocket (290)

Chips (75)
Dip (120)

Frozen pizza (430)
Fries (360)
Ketchup (25)
Parmesan (40)

Total Calories: 1510

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