Thursday, January 1, 2009

January 1--A New Year!

Since this is the food blog, I figured I'd post my goals for this year with regard to nutrition and body changes.

Last night, I was drawn in by QVC (seriously) and bought a home version of the Pilates Reformer. I'll still take my classes at the gym, but this is a great way to practice as I start my own certification. Local friends, I'll need to teach you on this puppy as I log my teaching hours!

I also signed up for my study materials to start my Pilates certification (this is a l-o-n-g process).

For 2009, I will reach my weight goal by April. I've slacked hard core for the past three months, and that is OVA. I don't actually know what my final goal is, but it lies somewhere between dropping ten and thirty more pounds. I'll have to see how my body feels and looks to make a final determination. I'm thinking that thirty would put me in a size 2-4, and I'm not sure that's what I want. I plan to head to the thrift store and buy a pair of pants in a 6 as my goal pants, just to keep motivated.

swiss cheese (70)
green smoothie (200)

salmon (100)
egg white omelette w/ diced red onion and appenzeller cheese (80)
apple (70)

Afternoon snack:
green smoothie (150)
pizza (250)
ingredients of the buche de noel (80)

tuna cakes (150)
salad (50)

Evening snack:
buche de noel (from December Daring Bakers--total guess) (150)
cereal and milk (240)


Fruits and veg:

Total calories:


Nicole said...

You know, this almost inspired me to do calculations on what would be involved in becoming a "two" or a "four."

Then I realized that I went straight from the kids department to a size 5, so I really have no conception of what that would correlate to in weight terms.

So instead I spent that time eating a cheese pretzel bite. Yummy! ;o)

heather said...

Generally speaking,m a size is 10 lbs. That works for me most of the time, so given that I'm between an 8 and a 10 now, I figure 30 lbs would drop me 3 sizes, so between a 2 and a 4. Might be different since you're so tall, though...

Nicole said...

Hmmmm... so at 155 I'm around a 10. Which means... I'm looking around 125. Sounds about right. And yet... sooooo not happening!!!

In other news... very cool on the Reformer. If I make it down to the ATL this year I'm coming to live on your couch and I want to be Pilates bootcampified. :o)

Anonymous said...

I will volunteer to be a reformer guinea pig.

heather said...

Oh totally Jennifer, just bring the kids over to play, and you can work out!

Unknown said...

Can I just say that when I see "ingredients" or "pre-baked" in your food log, it totally cracks me up?! :)

heather said...

The buche de noel had SIX INGREDIENTS for me to make. That means I had to make the almond biscuit, the mousse, the creme brulee, the crisp, the ganache layer, and the icing. A girl has to take tastes in there!