Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2--heather

In case you're wondering why my rice cake values are always different, well, that's because I've discovered that I sort of enjoy them. They're a bit hard to come by these days, so I buy a few varieties. The 40 calorie ones are white cheddar, the 50 are caramel, and the 60 are "chocolate". I thought it might help curb the chocolate craving I've developed, but alas, they just make it worse in their impostor status. I'm working on a way to make it more chocolaty, though.

green smoothie (200)
rice cake (60)

pizza (480)
french onion soup (125)
peach (60)

Afternoon snack:
green smoothie (100)
rice cakes (110)

lo mein (350)
salad (50)

Evening snack:
mint 3 musketeers (100)
jam and bread (250)
tortilla chips (100)


Fruits and veg:

Reformer (200)

Total calories:

135-139.2. I weighed several times today, just trying to see what the heck is up with the scale. 135 was first thing this morning, as usual. 139.2 was after having breakfast and several glasses of water, so who knows what the real number is. It's driving me NUTS!


Nicole said...

Is it true that chocolate rice cakes have the taste and consistancy of styrofoam?

heather said...

You know, the texture is the same as all other rice cakes, which is to say, not terrible. The taste, however. Sigh. Tastes mostly like a little cocoa powder mixes with a tiny bit of sugar, then sprinkled on top. It doesn't go through, so it just tastes like plain puffed rice in the middle. Yu-um, right?

Anonymous said...

why don't you try weighing something that is a definite weight. Like a 5lb dumbbell and then see what the scale says. And yes Nicole, I think they all taste like styrofoam.

Nicole said...

Um, see I don't ever need a chocolate fix that badly. And if I did, I dunno, how 'bout a Jello pudding cup?

Good idea on the weight... actually in the OTC locker room (home of weight-obsessed wrestlers, so you know the scale's hardcore!) there's a weight that sits next to the scale for that exact purpose.

That said, I've had scales which will vary your weight within seconds at which point you need to "No good, trow out" as you'll quickly go insane!