Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Food Choices... Not One of My More Coherent Posts

February 17, 2009 – Nicole’s Food Log

Here’s my office pet peeve… We all know I make crappy, high calorie food choices… but the fun thing is that those are, well, MY choices.

What I dislike is eating food assigned by others.

For example, if I eat mac and cheese and it’s bad, that’s my decision and it sucks.

When other people choose food that I’m not a fan of, I get cranky on the grounds that I’m now going to eat a bunch of calories and not even get the joy associated with a yummy piece of pizza out of it.

The reason for this tangent is that I don’t (usually) like grocery store cake. So one of my coworker’s birthdays is tomorrow and I was going to make cupcakes. To which the boss apparently decided he wanted to order a real cake.

So I suggest a couple places where at least the odds of having something good (even if fattening) goes up and I get vetoed.

Now one can say “just don’t eat it,” but yeah right… good luck with that!

Same goes for events where the food is preordered… I don’t mind when there’s the “hospitality buffet” and there’s some level of picking and choosing, but when people just bring your plate in and announce “here’s what you’re eating.”

Sooooo not a fan.

Ok, back to being a spoiled brat now. :o)

Banana / Chocolate Smoothie (113)

Wheat thins (130)
String cheese (60)

Wendy’s fries (350)

Chex Mix Bar (140)
Cheese and crackers (250)

15 minutes on bike (86 calories burned)
17 minutes hill intervals on treadmill (144 calories burned)
12 minutes (74 calories burned)

Spaghetti (630)
Olive oil (120)
Sauce (70)
Parmesan (60)

Total calories: 1923

Weight: 71.9kg

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