Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Might Kinda Like Morning Workouts

January 30, 2009 – Nicole’s Food Log

It’s a conclusion I come to every once in awhile… one that I eventually fall off the wagon from, but such is life… I kinda like working out in the morning.

Of much surprise to many people (largely based on my perpetual tendency to be late), I really am a morning person. I tend to be up before 6 for no other reason than I like to lay around, read a book, catch up on my DVR, etc.

Well this morning I got motivated to ditch the house early and had two options: go to the office (hahahahaha… now THAT’S funny) or do a quick workout.

One of the bonuses of working at the OTC, of course, is weight room access… because while you can easily talk yourself out of a drive to the gym in the cold and dark, it’s much harder to convince yourself that you can’t take a three minute detour (and only that long because of the speed bumps!) across complex to the weight room.

So I didn’t have much time, but am always amazed at how much even a quick trip to do something makes one feel better later.

(Of note, I also remembered that Friday at that hour is when my athletes have my morning training session, so just when you think you’re being productive you realize those guys have been there for at least an hour, so perhaps you’re not quite that good after all, but still…)

Fortunately I made it back post-work too, so did later get the rest of the workout in.

Ok, fine, the reality is the scale’s not moving, so I’m trying to find something to be happy about and it’s clearly not my diet…

3,000m row (161 calories burned)

Egg (70)

1/3 bagel (115)
Cream cheese (70)

Hot Pocket (280)

52 minutes on stationary bike (325 calories burned

Lipton chicken noodle (420)

Egg salad (240)

Calories: 1195

Weight: 71.4kg

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