Monday, March 9, 2009

Another Day, Another Trip to a Yummy Italian Restaurant

March 8, 2009 – Nicole’s Food Log

So today went ok… Brunch was kinda heavy, but I got a decent workout in and the world was a happy place.

And then Jess and I went to dinner. We were going to go to this Italian place where I’d scoped out the menu in advance and decided how to minimize damage.

Uh yeah, til we got there, found out it was closed and opted for plan B… Zio’s. I’ve only been there once and clearly didn’t appreciate the fabulousness of this place. A world where every appetizer involves fried goodness and cheese. The bread is warm and crusty. The pasta comes in troughs.


I feel my ass starting to expand.

I did try to research the caloric intake, but couldn’t find the restaurant info anywhere and, frankly, probably don’t reallllly want to know because if I did, well, I’m smart enough (or at least
I spend most of my life eating similar foods) to put for a solid guess.

But I won’t.

Pancakes (590)
Syrup (100)

Easy Mac (200)
*I’m not really sure why, but not long after breakfast I was craving Easy Mac like it was my damn job.

3.6 miles on treadmill (378 calories burned)
30 minutes on bike (150 calories burned)

I’m not even guessing…
Bread… a lot of it
Toasted ravioli
Ravioli on a bed of noodles with meat and alfredo sauce
½ chocolate Oreo dessert thing

Weight: 71.7kg


heather said...

That dinner scares me and makes me want to go into a diabetic coma. Shudder at the thought of that much white flour!

Nicole said...

But it's soooooo good!!!