Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another Brilliant Idea…

March 9, 2009 – Nicole’s Food Log

So I shot my mouth off today after coming up with another “brilliant idea.” I was reading Runner’s World on Sunday and saw an ad for the Air Force half and full marathon that they do at Wright Patt in September and thought “Hmmmm… well, if I’m really going to do the Disney Marathon in January, then I should have a smaller goal before then.” Technically, there’s a half in May up in Denver I could do, another here over Labor Day and the big one in Denver in October, but for some reason going back to the DYT to run appealed to me.

Maybe it’s the decreased altitude…

The other (more practical) thing is that I’ve sworn I’ll fly home for a weekend in September to see the kid brother play football. It’s his last year and (as so often happens when you move out when your youngest sibling is going off to kindergarten) I’ve really missed out on most things involving the child growing up and, though showing up to one football game ever doesn’t quite make up for that, I figure it’s a nice thing to do.

I’m not too nice, though, on the grounds that I want to see him play when it’s not snowing… hence the reason for the September visit. Hahaha…

Anyhow, I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone and do a race and a football game in the same weekend.

But who wants to run alone? That’s lame… Thus I recruited my kid sister and the hubby. For those who know me, Genny and I have never been, uh, close, but I knew she and Josh had been running a bit so thought it would be a nice gesture.


I know better than to do things without proper research, ‘cause had I asked around I might’ve found out that they’re planning on doing the Flying Pig half in May which means that they’re going to have a significant leg up on my slow plodding ass who’s just hoping to finish the thing without being carted off to Good Sam. Sigh. Oh well, maybe the sib and sib-in-law will take pity on me when I keel over and at least find a cute paramedic…

Anyhow, on to the food…

Two slices bread and peanut butter (280)

Cheese Nips (40)

Weight Watchers Lasagna (300)

1.25 mile intervals on treadmill (135 calories)
53 minutes on bike (303 calories)

Mac and cheese (780)
Tuna (50)
Mayo (100)
Skinny cow (150)

Total calories: 1700

Weight: 72.1kg

1 comment:

heather said...

That's hilarious. I can't wait to see you run that thing. I'd run it with, except I'll probably be pregnant then, and that wouldn't be all that much fun. :)