Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pie and Pilates

November 30, 2008 -- Nicole's Food Log

Now, I've attempted Pilates once or twice before. I bought Brooke Siler's book years ago and tried it out a bit and my friend Johanna once used us as guinea pigs when she was working on her certification.

I've always thought it would be fun to hit a class so today I made the most of ''On-Demand'' and tried a 20-minute Pilates video.


Yeah, I have no core.

Actually it wasn't too bad (other than me being in pain and looking a fool... to put it nicely!) I learned that I really need to stretch more, but we won't see me hitting a class anytime soon. While it was fun, I don't have the time to set aside an hour in addition to a normal cardio workout.

But I might do the On-Demand stuff again.

As for food, today wasn't bad, but damn I'm IN LOVE with pumpkin pie. I have one piece and am already envisioning making pumpkin bread. Such a bad idea...

But on with the food...

Bagel with margarine and cream cheese (300)

2.3 miles on treadmill (275 calories burned)
30 minutes on stationary bike (147 calories burned)

Budget Gourmet mac and beef (280)
Fat free pudding (100)

Pilates video (uhhhhh... 50?)

Ramen with Parmesan (420)
Pumpkin pie (500)

Total calories: 1600

Weight: 70.6kg


Unknown said...

Oh, as for the pumpkin it! I love anything pumpkin, and acorn squash runs a very close second. You'll be astonished to know that squashes are in the vegetable category! Heather will get you there yet... ;)

Nicole said...

Really? I thought someone told me it was a fruit... and, more to the point, don't you need to eat half a loaf to count as a serving (not that that's impossible as I make FABULOUS pumpkin bread... hahaha...)

heather said...

Yeah, it's a vegetable. Packed with good stuff, really. Beta Carotine, fiber, Vit A. 1/2 cup is a serving, so a can of the stuff is usually 3.5 servings. some beggies are better than none!

To that end, a 6-slice pie would yield you a little over 1/2 serving of veggies. You could have two and get a whole serving!