Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Word of the Day-heather

The word of the day is loved. I'm one of those people (completely opposite of Nikki) who has always maintained just a handful of close friends. I don't so much do superficial relationships, but God is bringing me into other relationships lately that are not so much superficial, but definitely not the dive deep stuff I'm used to. And that's ok.

Yesterday I was facebooking (yes, Firefox, that is a verb) with one of my pastor's daughters-in-love as they call them. She asked me something about green smoothie, and I replied with where she could get some ingredients. She replied that I was her inspiration to get back to the gym and get healthier. Now, this is a thin, beautiful woman. And I look like, well, me. I know I've dropped about 80 lbs since the baby was born, but goodness! I see my floppy arms ("lunch ladies" as ElleBee calls them), my puffy hips. I was relating that to my friend Amy, and she hits me with the "two" of this one-two punch in the gut and tells me I've inspired her to lose weight before a big international trip. Aww, I'm feeling the love!

In other news, my dehydrator came today. Right now, I've got almonds, banana chips, collard green chips, and fruit leather going. Woohoo!

3 small bananas (240)

green smoothie (200)
2 pieces nutella bread (225)
peanut butter (100)
collard green chips (40)

Afternoon snack:
banana (90)
1/2 burger, w/o bun (150)
what is WITH this beef craving?!

nutella bread 250
Seriously, I plan to never buy Nutella again, I have a real problem. Well, unless I walk past it and it calls my name, then maybe, just maybe, I'll purchase another jar of European loveliness.
squash mac and cheese with broccoli (100)
baked sweet potato (260)
freshens yogurt (250)
nutella bread (120)


Fruits and veg:

Total calories:

boot camp 350


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure Nutella is evil.