Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2

I'm dealing with some drama in my life that's making me not hungry. Not sure if that will translate into eating more calories (just easy ones), or less, but I'm not really worried about it. Nothing too much going on, just internal struggles bubbling to the surface (you can check my personal blog if you care to read). Anyhow, with it being December and therefore crazy busy AND the internal drama AND a month where we're taking a 6 day vacation out of state, I'm a bit out of sorts. It's harder to hang on to whole foods eating and exercise during times of stress, but that's when it's most important!

cereal and milk (260)
nutella bread (200)

raw crackers (50)
oatmeal walnut burgers (400)
greek yogurt (240)

Afternoon snack:
raw crackers (25)
green smoothie (180)
nutella bread (150)


Esther Price (200)
egg salad w/ red peppers served in lettuce wraps (300)
roasted brussel sprouts (80)
white chocolate (30)
cereal and milk (300)


Fruits and veg:

Total Calories:



Unknown said...

I think it's hysterical that only folks from "DYT" as Nicole says, completely understand the pure chocolate evil that is Esther Price! Fannie Mae ain't got nothin' on our Esther!

Nicole said...

Hahaha... I think that every time I see Heather in need of a chocolate fix! Way to eat the good stuff! Damn, now I'm hungry...

heather said...

You know what's funny? Before the Look Alike was born, I didn't really enjoy chocolate. I'd still choose a fruit dessert over chocolate any day, but when it's there and I don't have to bake to have a sweet, EP it is!

Nicole said...

Oh see I vastly prefer baked goods... Never been a huge EP fan, but give me a cupcake...

heather said...

I totally love baking, but seldom have time these days. If I had the option, I'd take a frosted cake made with flour I milled myself and raw honey and organic butter and eggs, but I can't do that every day!