Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So What Is Moderation?

Lately I've been musing over how hilarious food and diet propaganda is in the health food world. I like to think that we're pretty balanced. You've got vegans who eschew kefir and yogurt but think it's ok to eat margarine and shortening (ick). You've got the raw movement where it's ok to eat nuts and avocados up to 50% of your diet, but nothing heated to more than 115 degrees. You've got the Weston Price folks who say sure, eat as much meat and dairy as you like, so long as it's grass-fed and organic. Then the Maker's Diet, who say that phytates in grains will kill you unless they're soaked out.

Then you have me. I take some from all of those places. I eat meat and dairy in moderation. Prefer baked bread, wholesome from organic grain and made in my own oven. Use my new dehydrator to keep nutrients intact and soak nuts and seeds to activate the sprouts. I guess where I'm going with this is that there are thousands of degrees even with "moderate" diets.

I've noticed that when I eat the SAD, I feel sick. My digestive system all but shuts down, but is back to normal within 48 hours of being back on our diet. I'm really seeking our own nutrition truth, and allowing it to evolve.

Earlier in the year, when I was focused on shedding lots of weight, I ate a high protein, low-fat diet. Now that I'm in a maintenance mode until the end of the year, I'm eating more fats and less protein. I'm ok with that. I know that when it's time to get back to weight loss after Christmas, I'll need to be more strict with myself. Why the break? Other than the fact that it's Christmas and I want an excuse to indulge, after having lost 80 pounds in nine months, I think my brain and my metabolism both need a break. I think after the gluttony that marks Christmas around here I'll be so sick of feeling bad that I'll want to get back on the wagon. Not to mention that the week after the Music Man is home so I can log some serious gym hours!

What you've seen lately is moderation to me. Mostly good stuff, with chocolate mixed in. :)

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