Thursday, December 25, 2008

December 24, 2008 – Nicole’s Food Log

So it’s Christmas Eve… Ran around shopping all day which meant by 3 I was starving. Lesson of the day: The more (and the more often) you eat, the more you need to eat. Ordinarily 3 o’clock is not a big deal.

Hungry yes, but not ready to gnaw on an arm.

Nope, eating tons of crap while home means you need to eat more crap, otherwise you’re going to keel over. Good lesson to remember for when I need a detox! Hahaha…

Scrambled Eggs (140)
Bagel (260)
Cream Cheese (30)
Margarine (50)

Steak and Shake…
Grilled Cheese (680)
Split order of fries (250)
2/3 chocolate shake (500)

Wheat Thins (150)
Spreadable cheese (180)

Total Calories: 2240

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