Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back to the Running

January 20, 2009 – Nicole’s Food Log

Something Heather said in a blog awhile ago struck me: “If I want to lose weight like I did last summer, I need to eat like I did last summer.”

(Paraphrased, of course as I’m too lazy to look it up.)

To which I realized… you know, the only time I ever have a bat’s chance in hell at losing weight has been when I run.

Now, granted, I haven’t ran since the end of December and, up until now I’ve had the same lame excuse.

“Blah blah, I’m sick, blah blah, can’t breathe.”

Doesn’t life suck?

So today I decided to suck it up and get on the treadmill.

Look, running when you can’t breathe never killed anyone, right?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

So I put in my two miles. At which point I realized that two miles at 6,500 feet with bronchitis is not a pleasant experience. Now, I’m not one to whine about living at altitude and I really dislike people who do because the reality is that you adjust. It’s harder on your lungs, true, but after eight years you kinda figure it out.

That said, if you compromise your breathing in any way out here you are screw-ed.

Two slices Oro Wheat (180)
Egg (70)
Margarine (60)

Ravioli (620)
Breadsticks (700)
Fettucine side car (500?)
*So we were completely unmotivated to work after the inauguration and thus we went to the Olive Garden. I probably would’ve gone easier on the breadsticks had it not taken 40 minutes to get the food.

Two mile run (225 calories burned)
20 minutes on stationary bike (110 calories burned)

Frozen lasagna (300)
Skinny cow (150)

Total calories: 2580

Weight: 70.2kg


Anonymous said...

I need to start running again, too!!! But I just hate it!!!

heather said...

I ran yesterday, and I didn't hate it as much as I remembered. It might have something to do with the fact that it took me 30 mins to burn 200 cals on the elliptical, but 1 eight-minute mile to do 100 on the treadmill. I figure I can do a treadmill circuit on my non-group-ex days.

Nicole said...

Beth... I've learned to hate it less... And once I've worked up to hating it less, when one moves outside it becomes much less awful. :o)

Heather... Yup, that's the beauty of the concept. While I have to say I enjoy an hour on the bike more than 30 minutes on the treadmill, not only is the treamill more time and calorie efficient, but I swear the scale likes it better.