Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan 14--Day of the crown

I don't mind going to the dentist. Isn't that weird for someone who has had four (fifth today) crowns and root canals in the last four years, plus an implant? And don't even get me started on the debridement, I think that was the worst of all. I never went as a kid, so I didn't have that fear that people develop as children. Thankfully, the Firecracker Princess LOVES going to the dentist so far, and always asks if she can go along. The Music Man goes on Monday and is none too pleased, but I think that's because he's getting two cavaties filled.

green smoothie (175)
banana (80)

yogurt (130)
polenta and sauce (200)

Afternoon snack:
green smoothie (175)
sweet potato chips (50)
banana (70)

roast, egg noodles, and peas (300)
licorace (100)
banana (70)

Evening snack:
sweet potato chips (100)
chocolate chips (30)
cereal, dry (100)
empty ice cream cone (45)


Fruits and veg:

60 mins weights (200)
30 mins elliptical (250)

Total calories:

144.4 (still, sigh. I'd love to drop a pound now and again)


Nicole said...

Empty ice cream cone? What on earth does one do with an empty ice cream cone?

heather said...

Ah, well, you eat it. I went to Baskin-Robbins the other night and got ice cream in cups to bring home, but i asked for the cones. Then I hoarded them and ate them when my children weren't around to ask for them. What a good mom.

Nicole said...

Yeah, see, I'm happy to eat ice cream without a cone, but a cone without ice cream? Just strange.

Oh, and every parent hides food from the kids. Drama control.