Sunday, January 11, 2009

Something’s Not Right

January 6, 2009 – Nicole’s Food Log

By the end of today I realized that something’s just not right. Ok, really, I knew that by about 5:15. Work was over and it was time to hit the gym, but I reallllly didn’t want to work out.

And not in the typical, apathetic “I want to watch Gossip Girl on my DVR… It’s too cold to walk from my car to the weight room… I just hate my life so screw it all” kinda way.

No, I was having a hard time imagining having the energy to move. Usually a trip to the gym makes me happy. Even if I huff and puff before I get there, I feel better afterwards.

And somehow I knew that wasn’t going to be the case today. In large part because when I pictured myself sitting down at the rower I couldn’t see me lifting my arms up at all, let alone actually doing anything.

Indeed I was right. I plopped my tired-don’t-wanna-be-here self on a bike with the notion that the thing involved less physical movement than any other option and everyone knows that even if you have a puke bucket next to you, one can always sit on a bike and move your feet forward. (NOT so with a treadmill people.)

Within five minutes I realized that this sucked. It wasn’t making me feel better. I wasn’t happy. And even cranking along at a low setting felt like I was peddling through mud.

Whatever. I also spent half my day eating the Lays that Monica brought back from Walgreen’s, so time to suck it up and keep moving.

I convinced myself to keep moving for 300 calories and then I could get off. Usually when I do such things I get distracted or realize it isn’t that bad.

Not today.

This isn’t good peeps. For those who missed the memo, I DON”T DO SICK and this could be a lonnnnnng couple days.

Egg (70)

Egg (70)
Thin Mint kinda thing (100)

Lays chips (150)
Dip (120)
Lean Pocket (290)

Lays (100)
Dip (60)
Thin Mint thing (100)

55 minutes on stationary bike (300)

Mac and Cheese (780)
Tuna (50)
Mayo (40)

Calories: 1930

Weight: 71.2kg

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