Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21

Gotta do better today!

So I've discovered that the less I eat dairy, the better I feel. Well, not so much that, but the inverse. When I have dairy, I feel icky. I woke up this morning so congested and disgusting. I haven't figured out how unfermented dairy affects me in other ways, but the muculence is so foul that I am pretty much convinced that it needs to be in my diet in veeeeeery low quantity.

green smoothie (150)
cereal, dry (60)

Morning snack:
jam and bread (80)
banana (120)

salmon, green beans, and wild rice (350)
2 hershey kisses (40)

egg whites (90)
green smoothie (100)
toast (100)
swiss cheese (110)
banana (110)
hershey kisses (100)
rice cake(40)
licorice (100)

Evening snack:
nachos (350)


Fruits and veg:

weights (250)
elliptical (300)

Total calories:



Nicole said...

Have you trademarked "muculence" yet? 'Cause I'd kinda like to steal it.

heather said...

Would you like to know where I stole it?

So there was this episode of Growing Pains where Carol decided to be a journalist and wrote a piece for the school paper. She used muculence and the editor panned her piece. I've never fogotten that word, how strange is it?

So steal away, and thank Tracey Gold!

Nicole said...

The second I saw "Growing Pains" I thought "I should have known."

So good to see we have things to thank Ms. Gold for other than "why starving yourself is bad" and "why you can get nailed for a DUI after two glasses of wine at a family picnic.