Monday, January 5, 2009

Protein? Really?--heather January 5

I realized something this morning, sigh. I realized that if I want to lose like I did this summer, I need to do what I did this summer. That means I need to up my protein intake and decrease my fats (not that we eat a ton of pat, but you know what I mean). I need to track my food in sparkpeople so that I can easily see my percentages, and get my protein up to 25-30% of my daily intake. A good fat loss diet for me looks like 30% protein, 60% carbs, and 10% fat, so that's where I'm going for now.

green smoothie (175)--5 g. protein
1 big ol' orange (125)

3 medium eggs w/ salsa (180)--18 g. protein
yobaby organic yogurt (110)--4 g. protein

Afternoon snack:
green smoothie (175)--5 g. protein
almonds (100)--4 g. protein
apple (75)
swiss cheese (50)--5 g protein

taco salad (300)--10 g protein

Evening snack:
cereal and milk (300)--7 g. protein

I was done here, but then I realized that I was supposed to eat 1900, so here I am eating nachos at 9:30
nachos (300)--10 g. protein


Fruits and veg:

Reformer (200)

Total calories:
1890--14% protein, wamp wamp.

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